Saturday, August 4, 2007

Four day weekend! Darren took Friday off work and I did the same. We had some friends over in the evening for dinner. It was a beautiful night so we were able to sit out. Nathan stayed up really late, he made it to 10:00pm. He was having fun playing with the other kids and cuddling on the couch with the girls.

Saturday we went to the Farmers market in Cumberland. Home made chocolate truffles was the highlight for me. We also took the kids to the sprinkler park and hung out in the back yard and had supper. After dinner Jade and I took Bear for a hike in the woods. We searched for some marshmallow roasting sticks and had a good talk. We came home to a camp fire and a little family time. A great night!
Sunday was a birthday party for Jade's friend Ameena. Darren, Nathan and myself joined the party around 3:30pm and had a fabulous time. Great food! Lot's of chicken curry and potatoes. Love it! We met lot's of interesting people and really enjoyed ourselves. We had to leave at 5:30pm to go to Helen and Garry's and the time came very quick. "Time flies when you are having fun!".
Monday we went down to the beach for a barbecue with some of the neighbours. The weather was nice. My friend Gaby smuggled us some wine and we sat around and had some good conversation and laughs. We got home and put the kids to bed and then the party continued over at Joy's house. The girls gathered on her deck and had a good talk. I feel very lucky to have such good neighbours!