Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Family Day

Family day in Ontario is a provincial holiday given with the hopes that families will spend quality time together. We did just that.

Our family of four enjoyed lunch together at one of our favourite fast food places, Harveys and then we went skating on the canal. FUN!!! We had a great time. Weather was fabulous and everyone was in good spirits. This was Nate's first trip to the canal and I would guess Jade's second. We finished the visit to the canal with hot chocolate and beaver tails.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jade tried out for competitive basketball and made the team. I was really proud of her that she tried.
I am also really happy with Jade's progress at school. She is a very motivated student and she takes her school work seriously. She always makes homework a priority and I don't have to supervise or bug her about it at all. Her hard word pays off with fabulous grades and she won the speech competition in French for her class.
I can really see that she is growing up. The phone conversations with friends are constant and she keeps what is going on with them quiet. I can't believe how fast the time is going and that she is really not a little girl anymore.

Nate is keeping us busy. He has a strong little personality and seems to manage to get himself into trouble on a regular basis. It is not unusual for him to be disciplined at circle time (school)for not keeping his hands to himself. He is mischievous..a little devil...but with a big heart. He has started to think about others and is concerned if someone is not feeling well. He also likes to be helpful.

Life with both kids is an adventure...a great time and a privilege.