Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring is Here!

I find this time of year very exciting when the green in the garden is revealed as the snow slowly melts away. The sun is different in its intensity and the energy level outside it growing. My gardening urge is building and I look forward to getting my hands in the dirt and losing myself in the plants. Today was one day closer as we started the spring backyard cleanup.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Info on the little Man

Many moons ago when Jade was young I took the time to write down some of her favourite things. Nate is now at that age and I think it will be fun to look back for him as well in a couple of year.

Favourite TV show: Max and Ruby
Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite toy: Shecky the turtle. He has been everywhere with us and always sleeps with Nate.

Favourite thing to do: Have a hot dog finger picnic on the living room floor. Complete with invitations and a picnic blanket.
Favourite Book: Any Thomas the train book.
Favourite clothes: Any shirt that has Spiderman on it. He has been told he has to wait until he is ten years old to get the movie and he reminds me often about shopping for it when he turns that magical age.
Favourite music: The Tragically Hip
Favourite place to go: Granny and Grandpa's, to play Thomas at the mall or the dollar store to shop for vampire teeth.
First play date without Mom: At Sam Goguen's house from preschool.