Sunday, May 18, 2008

Spring and Mothers day

Spring is here and I have disappeared from my blog. Not unusual for those that know me....I love to garden and this is prime time.
This year gardening is different for me...not such a crazy need to get it done but more of an enjoyable time in nature. I am taking the time to watch the growth and to feel the aliveness. I am spending the time in the garden not just in body but in my mind as well.
Mothers day was last week and the day was very special. I felt very loved from the moment I woke up.The day was filled with special moments and memories with my family.
I took some time in the afternoon on Mothers day to lie on a blanket in the backyard and watch the birds. I fell asleep on the grass with a pillow that Jade made for me and the breeze lightly blowing the trees. What a wonderful nap and what a great experience.
The whole day was great!