Sunday, September 7, 2008

Birthday parties

September is an exciting time in our house. Both our kids have birthdays. Jade's 11th friend birthday celebration was camping and we had two tents set up in the back yard to accommodate nine kids. We had a barbecue, camp fire, craft, movie on the patio with the projector and sparklers. The girls went to bed around 11pm and slept through the night in the tents. The morning started with pancakes, sausage, fruit, and bacon. Good reviews from the kids. Lot's of work but thankfully I had Emma and Darren helping.

Nate had his fourth birthday celebration with his friends at a place called Tiny Hoppers. We had ten friends who attended. Nate behaved very well and really enjoyed the party. The theme was Scooby Do.

It was great fun to see both kids growing up and enjoying friends. Nate has struggled a little socially but seems to have now got past being rough and has learned to interact better with the other kids. I am very proud of both kids and so glad to have both parties done.