Monday, March 10, 2008

First day of March break

The weather has been crazy with snow. The weekend was spent digging out. I was very lucky to have Darren home so I did not have to handle it alone and even luckier to have the use of the neighbours snow blower. All the neighbours came together and worked well making sure the driveways were cleared. Not an easy task.

Today I had the mission of entertaining Nate for the first day of the March break. Jade was at a babysitting course. Nate and I started at the pet store checking out the animals and searching for frogs. Then we went to the mall and Nate played at the indoor play ground. His behaviour has improved so much and he played very well with all the kids. When we got home a message was waiting for us inviting Nate to a play date at his friend Sam's. Nate's first play date without Mom. Very exciting! Wow...growing up. Sam's Mom is fantastic with kids so it was a good date for him with her very capable guidance. Big thanks to Shelley!

After Nate's play date Darren, Nate, Bear and myself went into the ravine for a nice walk. Darren pulled Nate on the sled. Nate was so tired from all his fun that he fell asleep sitting up in the sled. So cute! At one point we had to get him out of the sled to walk and he was walking with his eyes closed because he was so tired. He was happy...just played out. A great start to the March break for Nate and an early bedtime.

This evening I took Jade to a movie. It was good to focus on Jade and have some fun together. The kids are growing up fast.