Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I went snow shoeing for the first time today. Lot's of fun and a great workout. I ended up going for longer than I planned. I dropped Bear's leash on the trail and did not realize till I was almost home. We had to back track about 15 minutes until I found it.
Nate was a handful today. He came home from school and had an accident in the bathroom. He tried to make it but unfortunately flooded the floor, his socks, his shirt and of course his pants. After I got his clothes off, I sent him upstairs for some clean underwear and I cleaned up the floor. While I was doing that he was busy opening his bedroom closet door and peeing. Of course he announced what he did so I ran upstairs to find another mess. After I cleaned up AGAIN, I sent him for a time out,I needed the 3 minutes more than he did so I could calm down.

Shortly after that he decided to unroll the toilet paper in the bathroom. At this point I was very ready for him to have a nap and when I had him all settled in his bed he said "I love you Mommy". Ok...I admit that made it all better. I am a sucker for the cute little guy even with all the challenges.