I got my hair cut today! Big deal you are thinking, YES it is! It has probably been close to six months since I did anything with my hair besides a pony tail. I went to a new hair dresser and he was great, aren't all Italian men? What do I know...Joseph was excellent, I will definitely visit him again. Big thanks to Nancy for the tip. I would post a picture but I am currently the only one in the house capable of working a camera. Just me, Nate the great and Bear left till Friday.
Nate and I spent some time shopping this evening and we stopped at the Zellers cafeteria for dinner. Nasty I know but when a kid is starving and he is two, you will go anywhere to solve the hunger issue. Nate was thrilled to be at a restaurant. Very cute.
When we came home he chased the soccer ball around in the back yard with renewed energy while I collapsed in a chair. Not easy keeping up with the little man but it sure is fun to watch him. What a sweet little guy. ( Nate looks so much like his Dad in this picture).