Today was Nathan's last full morning of preschool before summer break. The year went so fast! I am sure the summer will go even faster. I enjoyed my alone time this morning exploring in the ravine with Bear, very peaceful.
I was lucky enough to go to the dentist today as well. To be honest I was dreading going but if I look at it with a positive spin, it is nice to have the medical coverage and the ability to pay the dentist bill. There was days in the past that going to the dentist was not a possibility.
Jade is at soccer practise tonight and Darren is travelling. Big thanks to Roberta for taking Jade for me so I did not have to chase the little guy around the soccer field. Much appreciated!
I got a facebook message today from an old friend Helen Ford. It is great to hear from her and great to hear things are going well. Wow, the years are moving fast! I am liking this facebook connection!